Preparation : 30 min.
Cooking : 1h30
Our mother’s famous cake! The one that we’ve been eating to celebrate apple season since we were kids. So good that the chef of the Aux 2 Clochers restaurant in Frelighsburg added it to his menu. We're lucky, she gave us her recipe!
125 ml (½ cup) melted butter
2 eggs
180 ml (¾ cup) sugar
500 ml (2 cups) flour
10 ml (2 tsp) baking powder
10 to 12 medium Cortland apples
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).
In a large bowl, combine the melted butter, eggs and sugar.
Incorporate the flour and baking powder into this mixture.
Butter a 9-inch springform pan and line it with this mixture.
Peel and core the apples. Keep an apple for decoration.
Cut the apples into quarters and place them in the mold.
Decorate with thin slices of the reserved apple.
Bake for 1 hour.
125 ml (½ cup) butter
2 eggs
180 ml (¾ cup) sugar
5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla
60 ml (¼ cup) toasted almonds
Melt the butter.
Beat the eggs in a bowl, add the sugar, vanilla and melted butter.
Pour the cream over the cooked cake, making sure it seeps into the apples.
Bake again for 25 to 30 minutes at 180°C (350°F).
After cooking, sprinkle with toasted almonds.
1 can (354 ml) evaporated milk (Carnation)
1 can (300 ml) condensed milk (Eagle Brand)
60 ml (4 tbsp) brown sugar
125 ml (½ cup) 1% or 2% milk
Pour all the ingredients into a saucepan.
Cook for a few minutes until you obtain a creamy sauce.
Our mother’s advice
To thicken the caramel a little, add cornstarch diluted in water. And, for an even tastier cake, refrigerate it for 12 to 24 hours before serving.